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BIO International Convention – The Global Event for Biotechnology
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Next higher product group | conference, life sciences / biotechnology |
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Organisation | BIO (US) (Biotechnology Innovation Organization, formerly Biotechnology Industry Organization) |
Record changed: 2022-07-21 |

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BIO International Convention – The Global Event for Biotechnology
Past & forthcoming events
- [1] 37 °C Life Science Technology Conference & Exhibition [ ]
- [2] Advancing Companion Diagnostic Development Conference [ ]
- [3] AGBT Agriculture Meeting (AGBT Ag) [ 2022-04-04 ]
- [4] Aging Research and Drug Discovery Meeting (ARDD) [ ]
- [5] American Biomanufacturing Summit [ ]
- [6] AMR Conference [ 2017-02-24 ]
- [7] Anglonordic Life Science Conference [ ]
- [8] Annual Biological Production Forum [ ]
- [9] Annual Cell Culture & Bioprocessing Congress [ 2013-11-04 ]
- [10] Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society [ ]
- [11] Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA Congress) [ ]
- [12] Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG Annual Meeting) [ 1948-01-01 ]
- [13] Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Meeting [ ]
- [14] APRL Asia Pharmaceutical R&D Leadership Summit [ 2025-02-26 ]
- [15] ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium [ ]
- [16] Austrian Life Science Day [ 2023-05-09 ]
- [17] Basel Life / MipTec conference & exhibition [ ]
- [18] Berlin Conference on Life Sciences [ 2008-02-15 to 2016-02-12 ]
- [19] BIA TechBio UK Conference [ 2022-10-13 ]
- [20] BIO Africa Convention [ ]
- [21] BIO Asia International Conference [ ]
- [22] BIO Convention in China (BIO China) [ ]
- [23] BIO Impact Ag & Environment Conference (formerly BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and AgTech) [ ]
- [24] Bio Integrates conference [ 2019-05-22 ]
- [25] BIO International Convention – The Global Event for Biotechnology [ ]
- [26] BIO Latin America Conference [ ]
- [27] Bio-IT World Conference & Expo [ ]
- [28] Bio-IT World Europe Conferene & Expo [ ]
- [29] BioAgora Event (Biopeople Denmark’s Life Science Cluster) [ ]
- [30] BioAlps Networking Day [ 2023-11-09 ]
- [31] BioAsia conference (India / Hyderabad) [ ]
- [32] biocat – International Congress on Biocatalysis [ ]
- [33] BioDundee International Conference [ ]
- [34] BioEntrepreneurship Summit (BioM) [ ]
- [35] BioForward conference [ 2018-10-04 ]
- [36] BioFuture Conference [ 2021-10-05 ]
- [37] BIOHK Expo, Conference, and One2One Partnering [ ]
- [38] BioInvest Israel (conference) [ ]
- [39] BioLogic Summit – Demystifying AI/ML for Biologic Drug Development [ 2025-01-13 ]
- [40] Biological Production Forum [ ]
- [41] Biologics World [ ]
- [42] Biomarkers & Immuno-Oncology World Congress [ 2018-06-11 ]
- [43] Biomed Israel Conference (MIXiii / IATI) (Israeli National Life Science & Technology Week) [ ]
- [44] Biomedica Summit [ ]
- [45] Bionection – Central German Conference on Technology Transfer in the Life Sciences [ ]
- [46] Bionnale Berlin [ ]
- [47] Bionow Precision Medicine Conference [ 2017-04-05 ]
- [48] Bioplus-Interphex Korea (BIX) [ ]
- [49] BioProcess International European Summit (BPI Europe) [ ]
- [50] Bioprocessing Summit [ ]
- [51] Bioprocessing Summit Europe [ ]
- [52] BioRN Annual Conference [ ]
- [53] BioServices conference & exhibition (at Biotechnica) [ ]
- [54] BioSpain meeting [ ]
- [55] Biotech Atelier – Annual European Biotech Conference [ 2018-09-25 ]
- [56] Biotech CEO Summit [ 2015-07-21 ]
- [57] Biotech CEO Summit Europe [ ]
- [58] Biotech China – The All China Biotech Conference & Exhibition [ ]
- [59] Biotech Investors Day / CFO Gipfel / Biotech Finanz-Gipfel (BIO Deutschland) [ ]
- [60] Biotech Summit Austria [ 2023-10-12 to 2023-10-13 ]
- [61] BioTechX (BioData World + GenomicsLive + CheminformaticsLive + PharmAI) [ ]
- [62] BioVaria conference [ ]
- [63] Biovision – The World Life Sciences Forum [ ]
- [64] BioWales conference and exhibition [ ]
- [65] BioWin Day [ ]
- [66] Boston CEO Conference [ ]
- [67] British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy Annual Conference (BSGCT) [ ]
- [68] CAR-TCR Summit [ ]
- [69] Carbon Capture Technology Expo [ 2023-09-27 ]
- [70] Cell & Gene Exchange (CGE) [ 2017-05-22 ]
- [71] Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mediterranean (Alliance for Regenerative Medicine) [ ]
- [72] Cell & Gene Meeting on the Mesa (Alliance for Regenerative Medicine & Sanford Stem Cell Clinical Center) [ ]
- [73] Cell Bio (ASCB | EMBO Meeting [ ]
- [74] Cell Therapy for Autoimmune Disease Summit [ 2023-11-28 ]
- [75] Cell Therapy Manufacturing & Gene Therapy Congress [ 2019-12-03 ]
- [76] Central European BioForum (CEBioForum) [ ]
- [77] Central European Life Science Investment Conference [ 2011-10-27 ]
- [78] Charité Entrepreneurship Summit [ ]
- [79] Chemspec Europe – the International Exhibition for Fine and Specialty Chemicals [ ]
- [80] China Bio-Pharma Executive Summit (conference) [ ]
- [81] CLIB International Conference (CIC) [ 2023-02-14 ]
- [82] Commercial Translation of Regenerative Medicine Conference [ ]
- [83] conference, life sciences / biotechnology_o [ ]
- [84] Connect in Pharma European Packaging Innovation Event for Pharma and Biotech [ 2022-09-14 to 2022-09-15 ]
- [85] Copenhagenomics (CPHx) conference [ ]
- [86] CRISPR Medicine Conference, The [ 2024-04-23 ]
- [87] Curious Future Insight Conference [ 2018-07-16 ]
- [88] CYTO Congress (Annual Congress of the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry) [ ]
- [89] DCAT Week [ ]
- [90] Dotmatics User Group Meeting [ ]
- [91] Drug Discovery Chemistry Conference [ ]
- [92] Dutch Life Sciences Conference [ ]
- [93] DVFA Life Science Conference [ ]
- [94] EATRIS Conference [ ]
- [95] Ecochem – The Global Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Event [ 2013-11-01 ]
- [96] Economist Cell and Gene Therapy Summit [ 2023-04-24 ]
- [97] EMBO Meeting [ ]
- [98] Enmore Bio China Conference (Enmore Biochina / EBC Conference) [ 2016-01-01 ]
- [99] EPP Life Sciences Pricing Forum [ ]
- [100] ESGCT Annual Congress of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy [ ]
- [101] Euro BioMAT (European Symposium & Exhibition on Biomaterials and Related Areas) [ ]
- [102] European Biopharma Summit [ 2021-10-12 ]
- [103] European Bioplastics Conference (EPC) [ ]
- [104] European Biotech Week [ ]
- [105] European Business Development Conference for Biotech & Pharma (EBDC) [ ]
- [106] European Chemistry Partnering event (ECP) [ 2017-02-16 ]
- [107] European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) [ ]
- [108] European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB) [ ]
- [109] European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy (EFIB) [ ]
- [110] European Human Genetics Conference (ESHG Conference) [ ]
- [111] European ISSX Meeting (conference) [ ]
- [112] European Lipidomics Meeting [ ]
- [113] European Summit of Industrial Biotechnology (ESIB) [ ]
- [114] Expoquimia – The International Chemistry Event [ ]
- [115] Festival of Biologics [ ]
- [116] Festival of Genomics conference [ ]
- [117] Fierce Biotech Summit [ 2022-09-19 to 2022-09-20 ]
- [118] Forum Translational Medicine [ 2018-11-28 ]
- [119] Future Food-Tech Conference (fft) – Innovation and Investment from Farm to Fork [ 2023-09-28 ]
- [120] Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science [ ]
- [121] Genesis conference [ ]
- [122] Genomics Research Europe conference (GRE) [ ]
- [123] German Biotech Days (formerly Deutsche Biotechnologietage / D.B.T. / DBT) [ ]
- [124] German Pharmacovigilance Day (German PhV Day) [ ]
- [125] German-Russian Forum Biotechnology (conference) [ 2011-10-10 ]
- [126] GILSC conference [ ]
- [127] Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS) [ ]
- [128] Global Food Summit [ ]
- [129] Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA Berlin) [ ]
- [130] Global Summit on Biosimilars [ 2019-12-03 ]
- [131] Greener Manufacturing Conference & Expo [ 2023-10-12 ]
- [132] Healthtech Accelerations Summit (BiotechFinances) [ 2024-06-27 ]
- [133] Hellenic Biocluster Forum (HBio Forum) [ ]
- [134] iGEM Grand Jamboree – the World Expo of Synthetic Biology [ 2022-10-26 ]
- [135] Immuno-Oncology Summit Europe [ ]
- [136] Immunotherapies for Infectious Diseases Congress (I4ID Congress) [ 2017-12-11 ]
- [137] Industria Biotec – Industrial Biotech Day [ 2022-10-07 ]
- [138] Industrial Biotechnology Forum (IBF) [ 2016-03-14 to 2016-03-15 ]
- [139] Innovation Days, a Pharma, Biotech & Medtech Event (FR) [ ]
- [140] Innovation for Health Conference (NL) [ ]
- [141] Innovation Zero Climate and Cleantech Congress [ 2023-05-24 ]
- [142] Innovative Therapies Days (Besançon) [ 2021-10-14 ]
- [143] Innov’inMed – International Agora for Health and Life Sciences Stakeholders [ ]
- [144] InPulse – Processing Solutions in Life Sciences [ ]
- [145] International Conference On Nanomedicine And Nanobiotechnology (ICONAN) [ ]
- [146] International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology (ESTIV Congress) [ ]
- [147] International Human Microbiome Consortium Congress (IHMC Congress) [ ]
- [148] International ISSX Meeting (conference) [ ]
- [149] International Molecular Diagnostics Congress [ ]
- [150] International mRNA Health Conference [ ]
- [151] International Society for Stem Cell Resarch Annual Meeting (ISSCR) [ ]
- [152] Interphex [ ]
- [153] IP Life Sciences Exchange (conference) [ ]
- [154] ISBioTech Meeting [ ]
- [155] ISCT Annual Meeting (International Society for Cellular Therapy Annual Meeting) [ ]
- [156] ISCT Europe Regional Meeting (International Society for Cellular Therapy) [ ]
- [157] Jawdrop Summit: Breathing Life into the Life Sciences [ 2023-02-02 ]
- [158] JIB (Journées Internationales de Biologie) [ ]
- [159] Knowledge for Growth – FlandersBio’s Annual Life Sciences Convention [ ]
- [160] Lab-on-a-Chip European Congress [ ]
- [161] Laguna Biotech CEO Forum [ ]
- [162] Life Science Kongress Heilbronn [ ]
- [163] Life Science Live event [ ]
- [164] Life Science Open Space Conference (LSOS) [ ]
- [165] Life Science Start-up Day Göttingen [ 2020-01-22 ]
- [166] Life Sciences 360° event [ 2024-04-25 ]
- [167] Life Sciences Forum Sachsen [ 2023-09-27 ]
- [168] Life Sciences IP Summit [ ]
- [169] Life Sciences Israel International Biopartnering Conference [ 2013-10-16 to 2013-10-17 ]
- [170] London Biotechnology Show (LBS) [ 2024-05-08 to 2024-05-09 ]
- [171] LSX World Congress (formerly Biotech and Money) [ ]
- [172] Lund Spring Symposium [ 2023-05-24 to 2023-05-26 ]
- [173] Maghreb Pharma Expo [ ]
- [174] Medical Biodefense Conference [ 2019-10-28 ]
- [175] Metabomeeting [ ]
- [176] Microphysiological Systems World Summit (MPS World Summit) [ 2022-05-30 ]
- [177] Molecular Diagnostics Europe (conference) [ ]
- [178] Molecular Diagnostics World Summit [ ]
- [179] mRNA-based Therapeutics Summit Europe [ 2022-01-25 ]
- [180] Munich Biomarker Conference (MBC) [ ]
- [181] MVA Annual Summit (Medical Valley Alliance Annual Meeting) [ ]
- [182] NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference (NBT-Montreux) [ ]
- [183] Nationales Biobankensymposium (German National Biobank Symposium) [ ]
- [184] New Food Conference [ 2019-01-01 ]
- [185] Niedersächsischer Life Science Tag [ ]
- [186] Nordic Life Science Days (NLSDays) [ ]
- [187] Nordic Metabolomics Conference (NMC) [ 2018-08-26 to 2018-08-28 ]
- [188] ON Helix translational research conference (One Nucleus) [ ]
- [189] Optimising Orphan Drug Development Conference [ ]
- [190] PEGS Boston Protein Engineering Summit [ ]
- [191] PEGS Europe Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit [ ]
- [192] PepTalk – The Annual Protein Science Week [ ]
- [193] Personalized and Precision Medicine International Conference (PEMED) [ 2018-06-25 ]
- [194] Phacilitate Advanced Therapies Europe [ ]
- [195] Phacilitate Advanced Therapies Week [ ]
- [196] Phacilitate Leaders [ ]
- [197] Phar-East – Asia’ Pharma & Biotech Festival [ 2018-02-28 ]
- [198] Pharm Connect Congress (Budapest) [ ]
- [199] Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation Conference [ ]
- [200] Pharma Integrates conference [ 2012-11-28 ]
- [201] Pharma Outsourcing & Procurement Summit [ ]
- [202] Pharmaceutical & Biotech Patent Litigation Forum [ ]
- [203] Pharmaceutical Patent Terms Extensions Forum [ ]
- [204] Pharmapack (by CPHi) [ ]
- [205] PharmaSynergy Conference and Business Meetings [ 2018-03-22 ]
- [206] PharmSci International Conference [ ]
- [207] Conference [ 2023-09-26 ]
- [208] Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) [ 2009-01-01 ]
- [209] Project and Portfolio Management for Pharma Conference [ ]
- [210] Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery (ELRIG UK / The Protein Society) [ 2024-11-18 ]
- [211] ProteoMMX Symposium [ ]
- [212] qPCR Experience Workshop (Biostistemika) [ 2013-10-23 to 2013-10-25 ]
- [213] Revolutionizing Next-Generation Sequencing conference [ ]
- [214] ScanBalt Forum [ ]
- [215] Science to Market conference [ ]
- [216] Scienion Workshop Series Diagnostics x.0 [ to 2015-09-18 ]
- [217] SCOPE Europe: Summit for Clinical Ops Executives [ 2018-10-16 ]
- [218] ShareFEST (conference) [ ]
- [219] SMi’s Annual Biobanking Conference [ ]
- [220] Society for Immunotherapy in Cancer (SITC) Annual Meeting [ ]
- [221] Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo (SOT Meeting) [ ]
- [222] Swedish-American Life Science Summit [ ]
- [223] Swiss Biotech Day (SBD) [ ]
- [224] SynBee Day (incl. SynBee Pitch Competition) [ 2024-04-09 ]
- [225] SynBio Markets Conference [ ]
- [226] SynBioBeta – the Global Synthetic Biology Conference [ ]
- [227] SynbiTECH Conference (on synthetic biology) [ 2019-06-24 ]
- [228] Systems Biology Europe conference [ ]
- [229] Targeted Protein Degradation Summit (TPD) [ 2018-10-23 ]
- [230] UK Bioscience Forum [ ]
- [231] UK HealthTech Conference [ ]
- [232] UK Regenerative Medicine Conference [ 2016-09-20 ]
- [233] Unternehmerinnentag (BIO Deutschland) [ 2023-07-05 ]
- [234] UPCP – Up Close and Personalized (International Congress on Personalized Medicine) [ ]
- [235] Vaccine China Leaders Annual Meeting (VacChina) [ ]
- [236] VertiFarm – International Trade Fair for Next Level Farming and New Food Systems [ ]
- [237] Women in Biotech Event (BIA WIB) [ 2024-03-12 ]
- [238] World ADC Conference Series [ ]
- [239] World Advanced Therapies & Regenerative Medicine Congress & Expo (WATRMC) [ ]
- [240] World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) [ ]
- [241] World Drug Manufacturing Summit (WDM Summit) [ ]
- [242] World Preclinical Congress Europe [ ]
- [243] World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS) [ ]
- [244] World Vaccine Congress [ ]
- [245] WuXi Global Forum [ ]
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