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Organisation › Details

CEA (Group)

A major player in research, development and innovation, the CEA intervenes in three main fields: energy, information and health technologies, and Defence. Through the diversity of its programmes, it carries on two major objectives: to become the leading European technological research organization, and to guarantee the continuation of the nuclear deterrent. Its advantages to achieve this: a crossed engineers/researchers culture, favouring synergies between fundamental research and technological innovation; exceptional installations (super-computer, research reactors, large physics instruments, power lasers, etc); finally, real involvement in the industrial and economic fabric. Established in 9 centres spread throughout France, the CEA benefits from strong regional presence and solid partnerships with other research organizations, local institutions and universities. In order to encourage the transfer of knowledge, the CEA attaches particular importance to education and information to the public. Recognised as an expert in its fields, the CEA is a full part of the European research area and has increasing presence at the international level. Other information can be found at *


Region Region Paris
  Country France
  Street 25 rue Leblanc
Bâtiment Le ponant D
  City 75015 Paris
  Tel +33-1-64502059
    Address record changed: 2023-12-18
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2024-02-12


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