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BIO Deutschland e. V.
With 300 members, including companies, BioRegions and sector service providers, the Berlin-based Biotechnology Industry Organisation of Germany (BIO Deutschland) aims to support and promote the development of an innovative economic branch based on modern biosciences in Germany. Dr Peter Heinrich is the Chairman of the Board of BIO Deutschland. *
Start | 2004-10-01 established | |
Industry | BIOTECH | |
Industry 2 | business development (state/region) | |
Person | Bronsema, Viola (BIO Deutschland 200905 Managing Director + CureVac 202008– Supervisory Board Member) | |
Person 2 | Schacht, Oliver (Curetis 201012– CEO before Epigenomics CFO) | |
Region | Berlin | |
Country | Germany | |
Street | 6a Schützenstr. | |
City | 10117 Berlin | |
Tel | +49-30-2332164-00 | |
Address record changed: 2024-01-05 | ||
Basic data | Employees | n. a. |
* Document for »About Section«: | ||
Record changed: 2024-12-29 |
More documents for BIO Deutschland e. V.
- [1] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (1/11/24). "Press Release: Biotech Industry. Financing Remains Stable – Turnaround on the Horizon". Berlin....
- [2] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (9/28/23). "Press Release: Biotechnology Industry Association Elects a New Board. BIO Deutschland e. V. Holds Its 20th Ordinary General Assembly". Berlin....
- [3] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (6/29/22). "Press Release: President of German Biotechnology Industry Association Elected Chairman of International Umbrella Organization". Berlin....
- [4] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (6/9/22). "Press Release: Biotechnology Sector Posts Record Turnover and R&D Investments". Berlin....
- [5] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (9/29/21). "Press Release: BIO Deutschland General Assembly Elects New Board in Berlin". Berlin....
- [6] CureVac N.V.. (12/23/20). Web Site: Leadership – Executive Board, Supervisory Board and Scientific Advisory Board. [, 12/23/20]...
- [7] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (4/6/20). "Press Release: German Biotechnology Companies Are Playing a Key Role in Combating the Corona Pandemic". Berlin....
- [8] BIO Deutschland e. V.. (9/17/19). "Pressemittelung: Biotechnologie-Branchenverband wählt neuen Vorstand. 16. Mitgliederversammlung der BIO Deutschland". Berlin....
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