
Organisations > Business Parks & Science Centres
Find below business parks and science centres in Europe and Israel or related to these countries.Total search results: 291 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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2Bio (Group) | 2Bio (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
2Bio Ltd. | 2Bio (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Accelerate@Babraham bio-incubator and life sciences accelerator | Babraham Bioscience Technologies Ltd. (Babraham Research Campus) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Accinov (FR) | Accinov (FR) | services (excl. financial) | France |
Alchemist Accelerator (US) | Alchemist Accelerator (US) | services (excl. financial) | United States (USA) |
Alderley Park | Manchester Science Partnerships (MSP) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Aleap Incubator at Oslo Science Park | Oslotech AS (Oslo Science Park / Oslo Innovation Center / Forskningsparken) | services (excl. financial) | Norway |
Alimenta Incubator and Accelerator (at PTP) | Parco Tecnologica Padan S.r.l. (PTP) | services (excl. financial) | Italy |
Aquincum Inkubátor Zrt. | Aquincum Inkubátor Zrt. | services (excl. financial) | Hungary |
Archamps Technopole | Archamps Technopole | services (excl. financial) | France |
AstraZeneca BioVentureHub (Mölndal) | AstraZeneca (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Sweden |
Atlatl (Group) | Atlatl (Group) | services (excl. financial) | China |
Atlatl Innovation Cluster (AIC) | Atlatl (Group) | services (excl. financial) | China |
Atlatl-Macs Center for Gene and Cell Therapy (Shanghai) | Miltenyi Biotec (Group) | services (excl. financial) | China |
Babraham Bioscience Technologies Ltd. (Babraham Research Campus) | Babraham Institute | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Barents BioCentre Lab (BBL) | Norut (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Norway |
Basel Inkubator (University of Basel + FHNW) | Basel Inkubator (University of Basel + FHNW) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
BaseLaunch Accelerator (Basel) | Basel (govt city) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Bayer LifeHub Berlin (Bayer HealthCare, CoLaborator Berlin) | Bayer (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Bayer LifeHub California (Bayer HealthCare, CoLaborator San Francisco | Bayer (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United States (USA) |
BerlinBioCube incubator | Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
berlinbiotechpark GmbH & Co. KG | berlinbiotechpark GmbH & Co. KG | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Beta-Cell (BE) | Beta-Cell (BE) | BIOTECH | Belgium |
BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben Infrastrukturgesellschaft mbH | BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben Infrastrukturgesellschaft mbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
BIC Granada | Andalucia (govt region) (Junta de Andalucía) | services (excl. financial) | Spain (España) |
Bio Nord Biotechnologiezentrum Bremerhaven | Bremen (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
BIO-NET Leipzig Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH (Bio City Leipzig) | BIO-NET Leipzig Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH (Bio City Leipzig) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Bio-Security Management GmbH | Bio-Security Management GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Bio-Technopark Schlieren-Zürich | Bio-Technopark Schlieren-Zürich | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Bio-Zentrum Halle GmbH | Bio-Zentrum Halle GmbH | services (excl. financial) | |
Bio4Dreams S.p.A. | Bio4Dreams S.p.A. | services (excl. financial) | Italy |
BioArk S.A. | BioArk S.A. | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
BioCampus Cologne Grundbesitz GmbH & Co . KG | BioCampus Cologne Management GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biocant Park | Biocant Park | services (excl. financial) | Portugal |
Biocitech SAS | Biocitech SAS | services (excl. financial) | France |
BioCity Group Ltd. | Pioneer Group, The (WAPG) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BioCity Nottingham Ltd. | Pioneer Group, The (WAPG) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BioCity Scotland Ltd. (Newhouse, Lanarkshire) (BioCity Glasgow | MedCity Glasgow) | Pioneer Group, The (WAPG) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BioEscalator (University of Oxford) | University of Oxford | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BioHub at Alderley Park | Pioneer Group, The (WAPG) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BioHub Birmingham, The | University of Birmingham | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero S.p.A. | Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero S.p.A. | services (excl. financial) | Italy |
BioInnovation Institute (BII Foundation) | BioInnovation Institute (BII Foundation) | services (excl. financial) | Denmark |
Biomedizinisches Forschungszentrum Rostock (BMFZ) | Rostock (govt city) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
BioMedizinZentrum Bochum (BMZ Bochum) | BioMedizinZentrum Bochum (BMZ Bochum) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biopark Charleroi Brussels South | Biopark Charleroi Brussels South | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
Biopark Gatersleben | Biopark Gatersleben | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biopark Regensburg GmbH | Regensburg (govt city) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
BioPharmaPark Dessau (TEW Servicegesellschaft mbH) | BioPharmaPark Dessau (TEW Servicegesellschaft mbH) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biopôle S.A. (Lausanne) | Switzerland Innovation (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
BioScape life sciences incubator | BioScape life sciences incubator | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
Biotech Campus Delft | Biotech Campus Delft | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Biotechnikum Greifswald GmbH | Biotechnikum Greifswald GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biotechnologiepark Luckenwalde (division of SWFG) | Teltow-Fläming (county govt) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biotechnologiezentrum Bernried GbR | Biotechnologiezentrum Bernried GbR | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
BioTechPark Freiburg | BioTechPark Freiburg | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Biovation Park Södertälje | Investor AB (Wallenberg) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Sweden |
BiovelocITA S.r.l. | BiovelocITA S.r.l. | services (excl. financial) | Italy |
BioVille (business incubator) | LRM (BE) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
Birmingham Research Park | University of Birmingham | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
BITZ Bremer Innovations- und Technologiezentrum | Bremen (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo B.V. | Brightlands Innovation Campuses in Limburg (NL) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Brightlands Innovation Campuses in Limburg (NL) (Group) | Brightlands Innovation Campuses in Limburg (NL) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Brussels South Biopark Dev S.A. | Brussels South Biopark Dev S.A. | services (excl. financial) | Belgium |
C-TRIC Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre | C-TRIC Clinical Translational Research and Innovation Centre | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Cambridge Innovation Park | Cambridge Innovation Park | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Cambridge Research Park | Cambridge Research Park | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Cambridge Science Park | Cambridge Science Park | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH | Campus Berlin-Buch GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Campus Biotech Innovation Center (Geneva, former Merck Serono site) | Campus Biotech Innovation Center (Geneva, former Merck Serono site) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Campus Heerlen Management & Development B.V. (Brightlands Smart Services Campus) | Brightlands Innovation Campuses in Limburg (NL) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Cardiff MediCentre (Medicentre Caerdydd) (joint venture) | Cardiff University | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
CAST Gründungszentrum GmbH | University of Innsbruck | services (excl. financial) | Austria |
CEBINA GmbH (Central European Biotech Incubator and Accelerator) | CEBINA GmbH (Central European Biotech Incubator and Accelerator) | services (excl. financial) | Austria |
Central European Biotechnology Incubator & Accelerator at the University of Vienna | Central European Biotechnology Incubator & Accelerator at the University of Vienna | services (excl. financial) | Austria |
Chemelot Campus B.V. (Brightlands Geleen Campus) | Brightlands Innovation Campuses in Limburg (NL) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Chemelot Industrial Park | Chemelot Industrial Park | services (excl. financial) | Netherlands |
Chesterford Research Park | Chesterford Research Park | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Citylabs 1.0 (Manchester) | Manchester Science Partnerships (MSP) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
co:bios Technologiezentrum GmbH | co:bios Technologiezentrum GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
COBIS A/S (Copenhagen Bio Science Park) | Symbion Science Park (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Denmark |
Creative Lab for Innovation Kobe (CLIK) | Creative Lab for Innovation Kobe (CLIK) | services (excl. financial) | Japan |
DiagnOx Laboratory (at Cherwell Innovation Centre) | DiagnOx Laboratory (at Cherwell Innovation Centre) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Discovery Park Ltd. (Sandwich, Kent) | Discovery Park Ltd. (Sandwich, Kent) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Dr. Josep Trueta Biomedical Research Institute, Gerona (IDIBGI) | Dr. Josep Trueta Biomedical Research Institute, Gerona (IDIBGI) | BIOTECH | Spain (España) |
DTU Science Park (formerly Scion DTU) | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | services (excl. financial) | Denmark |
DTU Science Park, Lyngby Campus | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | services (excl. financial) | Denmark |
DUI Ltd. (Dundee University Incubator) | University of Dundee | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Edinburgh BioQuarter | Edinburgh BioQuarter | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
Edinburgh Technopole | We Are Pioneer Group Ltd. (WAGP) | services (excl. financial) | United Kingdom (GB) |
EPFL Innovation Park (Fondation EPFL Innovation Park) | Switzerland Innovation (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Eurasanté Bio-Incubator | GIE Eurasanté | services (excl. financial) | France |
FiveT Capital (CH) | FiveT Capital (CH) | finance | Switzerland |
Frankfurter Innvoationszentrum Biotechnologie GmbH (FIZ) | Frankfurter Innvoationszentrum Biotechnologie GmbH (FIZ) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid (PCM) | Fundación Parque Cientifico de Madrid (PCM) | services (excl. financial) | Spain (España) |
FutuRx Ltd. Biotechnology Incubator | FutuRx Ltd. Biotechnology Incubator | services (excl. financial) | Israel |
Gdansk Science and Technology Park (GSTP), Pomeranian Special Economic Zone Ltd. | Gdansk Science and Technology Park (GSTP), Pomeranian Special Economic Zone Ltd. | services (excl. financial) | Poland |
GenAhead Bio Inc. (JP) | GenAhead Bio Inc. (JP) | BIOTECH | Japan |
Genopole (GIP Genopole) | Genopole (GIP Genopole) | services (excl. financial) | France |
Golm Innovationszentrum GmbH (GO:IN) | Golm Innovationszentrum GmbH (GO:IN) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |


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