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Signia Therapeutics SAS. (1/5/22). "Press Release: Signia Therapeutics Receives a €1.7 Million Deeptech Development Grant from Bpifrance". Lyon.

Region Region France
Organisations Organisation Signia Therapeutics SAS
  Organisation 2 Bpifrance
  Group France (govt)
Products Product Signatura drug discovery platform
  Product 2 business development (state/region)
Index terms Index term Signia Therapeutics–France (govt): grant, 202201– Deeptech Development aid €1.7m (grant + loan) from Bpifrance
  Index term 2 Signia Therapeutics–Neovacs: investment, 202110 investment €1.3m in Signia by Neovacs
Persons Person de Francisco, Angelita (Signia Therpeutics 202201 CEO)
  Person 2 Loyer, Annie-Florence (NewCap 201504)

With a total budget of €3.7 million over 36 months, the supported programme aims to scale up the SIGNATURA drug discovery platform.

Signia Therapeutics, an artificial intelligence-driven pharmatech company whose mission is to accelerate drug discovery against respiratory infections and pathologies, announces a €1.7 million Deeptech Development aid (grant and loan) from Bpifrance for the development and optimisation of the SIGNATURA proprietary drug discovery platform.

This programme aims to extend the capabilities and predictivity of the SIGNATURA platform, by increasing significantly its proprietary database of pathologies and compounds signatures and by developing the bioinformatics infrastructure, the algorithms, mathematical models and artificial intelligence (AI) tools. The project also includes preclinical functional validation and reformulation operations for identified drug candidates.

“We are very pleased with Bpifrance’s support for this innovation project. The relevance of our strategy and of our platform have been validated by the discovery of a first broad-spectrum antiviral candidate currently under clinical development. Bpifrance’s support will now help us accelerate the ramp-up of our technology platform, forge partnerships with biopharmaceutical companies to identify new drug candidates, and expand our pipeline against respiratory infections and pathologies,” declared Angelita de Francisco, CEO of Signia Therapeutics.

Contrary to the standard paradigm of biopharmaceutical research (i.e., one drug/one target), Signia Therapeutics favours a polypharmacology approach (it is known that each molecule has several different cell targets), and the drug discovery strategy is based on the modulation of the overall response of infected or pathological cells. This strategy is particularly relevant for infectious diseases. Targeting host cells rather than the determinants of viral entry and replication provides broad-spectrum antiviral candidates able to bypass the emergence of viral resistance which limits the efficacy of conventional antivirals. These innovative antiviral candidates may also potentially produce synergistic effects with the conventional ones.

Signia Therapeutics aims to identify several drug candidates by the end of 2022, either proprietary or in partnership with biopharmaceutical companies. To finance its projects, the company is pursuing a Series A financing round totalling €16 million, with a first tranche of €4 million. Neovacs (Euronext Growth Paris: ALNEV) invested €1.3 million in the company in October 2021.

About Signia Therapeutics

Signia Therapeutics' mission is to accelerate drug discovery against respiratory infections and pathologies. The company is a spin-off of Virpath laboratory (Lyon, France). Signia Therapeutics' technology platform, SIGNATURA, integrates transcriptomic analysis, artificial intelligence (AI) and highly predictive physiological models for rapid in silico screening and pre-clinical validation of drug candidates. The platform is operational for the research and evaluation of candidates against respiratory viral infections and is gradually being extended to other respiratory pathologies.

The Proof-of-Concept of SIGNATURA and of Signia Therapeutics’ strategy has been established by delivering a novel broad-spectrum antiviral, Diltiazem, usually used as an antihypertensive agent, with a mechanism of action discovered by the founders of Signia Therapeutics. The company has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation SME Instrument and the European Innovation Council (EIC) Accelerator grant and from Bpifrance.

Contact for Signia Therapeutics

Annie-Florence LOYER
Head of Corporate Communications
[email protected]
+33 6 88 20 35 59

Record changed: 2024-03-30


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