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Evolva Holding S.A.. (8/23/22). "Press Release: Evolva Statement to SER Communication. Evolva Takes Note of the Sanction Request Submitted by SIX Exchange Regulation (SER) Today". Reinach.

Organisations Organisation Evolva Holding SA (SIX: EVE)
  Group Lallemand (Group)
  Organisation 2 SIX Swiss Exchange AG
Products Product industrial biotechnology
  Product 2 finance
Persons Person Wichert, Christian (Evolva 202202– CEO before Johson Matthey + Innovative Water Care)
  Person 2 Rudischhauser, Doris (Dynamics Group 202208 Consultant Crisis Communication)

> Evolva takes note of the sanction request submitted by SIX Exchange Regulation (SER) today

> Alleged deficiencies concern the goodwill impairment tests in the financial reporting 2019 and 2020 and related disclosures

> Evolva is convinced that key allegations do not uphold and that potential deficiencies do not have a material impact

> No impact on cash position and business case

> New management team has strengthened internal processes and rules

Evolva (SIX:EVE), a pioneer in the field of natural molecules and industrial biotech, takes note of the sanction request submitted today by SER to the Sanctions Commission of SIX Group concerning the financial reporting in 2019 and 2020. The alleged deficiencies concern the goodwill impairment tests and the related disclosures in the respective reporting. Evolva is convinced that key allegations do not uphold and that potential deficiencies do not have any material impact. The company submitted a respective statement which was aligned with the former and the current auditors in addition to being backed up with external advice. The new management team, which joined Evolva in 2021 and 2022, respectively, is working closely with SER and is committed to transparency towards all stakeholders. There is no impact on Evolva’s cash position nor the company’s business case.

As already announced on 26 July 2022, the company has been proactively reviewing balance sheet assets in the course of the development of the new mid-term plan and expects a non-cash relevant impairment of CHF 15-20 million, details of which will be announced together with the half-year results on 25 August. The company does not expect any additional impairments due to today’s SER request.

Evolva CEO Christian Wichert, who has joined the company in February this year, comments: “While the primary focus of the new leadership team is on leveraging the ongoing positive business momentum, boosting commercial performance and bringing Evolva to the next level, we are also committed to transparency and closing with the past. Thus, we are fully collaborating with SER and continuously strengthening our internal processes and rules.”

Evolva will provide details on its new mid-term plan and half year-results on 25 August 2022.

Important dates
25 August 2022 Half-year results 2022


Doris Rudischhauser
Investor Relations and Corporate Communications
+41 79 410 81 88
[email protected]

About Evolva

Evolva is a Swiss biotech company focused on the research, development and commercialization of ingredients based on nature. We have leading businesses in Flavors and Fragrances, Health Ingredients and Health Protection. Evolva’s employees, half of which are women, are dedicated to make the best products that can contribute to health, wellbeing and sensory enjoyment. Find out more at and connect with us on LinkedIn.

For Evolva multimedia content, please visit:


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Record changed: 2023-06-05


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